Thursday 20 June 2013

So what happened?

I deleted my old account.  Easter time I had quite a hideous family issue happen that I'd never wish on anyone.  It's caused a lot of problems and left scars that'll never truly mend.  I've always been someone that tries to find the best in people, that somewhere underneath even the outwardly most repulsive, there may be someone there that has a soul.  What happened has changed my thinking and I can't imagine being the same again. It might sound melodramatic, but seriously, this was nasty stuff.

At the same time I've been having problems with bullying at work.  I've been systematically picked on by one of my directors.  With what's been going on at home, which I let work know about, something had to snap... and it did.  Luckily I've been repairing.  I've got a plan for the future and will be making it happen.

Sorry this isn't more detailed, it is as much as I'm comfortable it being right now.

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